Monday, 18 June 2012

The Story of ROBLOX on April 1st 2012 - Or What I Heard

Hi. First blog post, yay.

Anyways, here's the story of April 1st, 2012 in a land of boxy characters called ROBLOX.

Notorious hackers (who obviously had too much time on their hands) managed to get into the famous mod, "Stealth Pilot"'s account. Since Stealth Pilot is (I think he has moved to a different account now) a mod, he had access to the famous "Admin Panel".

For those of you who aren't in the know, the Admin Panel (Or "A.P" as some refer to it) is what the ROBLOX Mods/Admins use to control ROBLOX. This is where names/usernames can be changed, where ROBUX and Tix are given or taken away, where bans are controlled.

Also where passwords are kept.

What happened now is where it gets interesting.

Infamous/Famous hackers such as Minish, Dignity, etc were unbanned (it is unclear if they had anything to do with this whole saga). But then, someone logs in as Minish to scare the heck (or amuse the heck) out of people.

Most of you know who "Merely" is, right? If not, he's the person who made "Catalog Heaven", which is on the front page almost everyday. He was on a "quest" to obtain all Limited items on ROBLOX.

 Anyways, Merely's beloved hat, his Domino Crown was sold... To whoever was posing as Minish on Minish's account for 9 million robux. (That's a lot!)

This caused havoc on the Forums. ROBLOX Talk went insane, along with Let's Make a Deal. Minish was begging for his Domino Crown back. Minish, however, was too busy handing out millions of ROBUX to strangers. And maybe a couple trillion Tix. People became rich. Others begged for money. Merely was given the only hat he hadn't had before, the "Wanwood Crown", and then his account was terminated.

Whenever the ROBLOX Admins make a hat, or any item, and it isn't good enough or ready for release, it gets put into the "Backlog". All the items in the Backlog were released by these hackers.

These hats were given very odd prices. The ones that were limited (most of them) had very weird pricing, such as 21 ROBUX, however, one was 18,000 if I remember correctly. One called the "Happy New Year 2012" was a tiara for 2012. It was priced at 666 ROBUX by the hackers. This infuriated some Christians (I'm not Christian). Some of these hats had only 3 in stock, some had 10000.

Some hats that were released by the hackers:

And then, one of these hackers made their own item - a face called "C:".

It looked like this:

Stickmasterluke was the only person who could buy the face (it bought you to an error page when clicked, it is unclear still how SML got it). Many hated it and found it creepy. Many loved it and wanted their own copy.

Earlier, I said that the A.P held all the passwords to all ROBLOX accounts. This includes other Admins. Accounts such as "ReeseMcBlox", "Chro", and "ROBLOX" (all admins) were hacked into. The hackers (posing as admins) posted on the forums. It was later revealed the hackers just edit posts and bumped them. Here are some pics: *WARNING, BAD LANGUAGE*

Then, 2 people from ROBLOX's past (Are17 and Pheedy) suddenly got moderation powers and became mods on the site against ROBLOX's will. *WARNING, MORE BAD LANGUAGE*

Are17 and Pheedy (or the people posing as them) gave themselves Domino Crowns, Dominuses, and others.

And then (the post is nearly finished, don't worry), that Red/Orange banner that usually says "Help us test at sitetest", etc was enabled, but said some pretty strange things...

And then, finally the actual ROBLOX Admins temporarily closed down the site to fix all this crap.

Afterwards, when the site came back up, people started finding what the admins had done.

They had deleted that "C:" face. Many people were happy, many were not.

They disabled buying items and trading currency.

The hats released from the Backlog were NOT deleted. Many people made profit.

Later on, ROBLOX did a "rollback"; they returned some items, such as Scoutywouty's beloved Red Grind, which was bought by... someone, I don't know,

Merely was un-deleted, his Domino Crown was returned and his Wanwood Crown was taken back,

etc, etc.

Wow, I wrote this all in one go. My hands hurt.

Follow me on Twitter, I'm @OutspaceLeo.